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Transcription:Batch Real-Time Deployments:All

Speechmatics offers four different modes for separating out different speakers in the audio:

TypeDescriptionUse Case
Speaker diarizationEach speaker will be identified by their voice.Used in cases where there are multiple speakers in the same audio recording.
Channel diarizationEach audio channel will be transcribed separately. Available for batch transcription only.Used when it's possible to record each speaker on a separate audio channel.
Channel diarization & speaker changeTranscribes each audio channel separately and within each channel provides the point when there is a new speaker. Available for batch transcription only.Used when it's possible to record some speakers on a separate audio channel, but some channels there are multiple speakers.
Speaker change (Legacy) Provides the point in transcription when there is a new speaker.Can be used for real-time applications when you just need to know the speaker has changed. We recommend using speaker diarization for this use case instead, due to improvements in speaker detection accuracy.

By default, the transcript will not be diarized. For details on configuring diarization, please see the relevant page linked below.