Check job status
Transcription:Batch Deployments:AllThere are three options when it comes to retrieving your transcripts:
- Check for single job status
- Check for multiple job statuses
- Configure a notification callback. You can see learn to do that here.
If you are getting started with the API, please refer to the guide on how to transcribe a file.
Check single job status
If you wish to retrieve a particular job, you can do so using the job id for up to 7 days, after which time it will be automatically deleted in accordance with our data retention policy.
You can make a GET request to check the status of a job as follows:
# $JOB_ID is from the submit command output
curl -L -X GET "$JOB_ID" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
The response is a JSON object containing details of the job, with the status
field showing whether the job is still processing or not. The possible values are:
- running
- done
- rejected
An example response looks like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"job": {
"config": {
"notification_config": null,
"transcription_config": {
"additional_vocab": null,
"channel_diarization_labels": null,
"language": "en"
"type": "transcription"
"created_at": "2019-01-17T17:50:54.113Z",
"data_name": "example.wav",
"duration": 275,
"id": "yjbmf9kqub",
"status": "running"
Check multiple job status
You can retrieve the status of the 100 most recent jobs submitted in the past 7 days. This is done by making a GET request without a Job ID as follows:
curl -L -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Note that if a job has been deleted it will not be included in the list, unless specifically requested, as described in the API reference.